Hello everyone, welcome to Synology 2021. A decade ago, we started off our annual occasions toannounce our recent innovations and product opens. Each year, we would go on a tour around theworld, meeting with thousands of users. 2020 has been a year full of challenges, andwhile we are no longer meeting face-to-face, we’re still very excited to show you Synology’slatest expected accomplishments and developments. At the heart of our NAS and SAN products, lie DSM, our unified data conduct operating system, but there has always been more toit. The first thing that comes to mind for a NASis data storage, and Synology is committed to enabling users to place data securely andconveniently.At the same time, our scaffold can do so muchmore. Synology’s DSM platform is extendible andis a gathered stage for countless IT needs, performing countless jobs around the world. As the tech manufacture continues to push forwardwith higher demands for storage, performance, and work availability, we are of coursenot standing still. In this session, I’ll be going through thekey changes and improvements to our DSM platform in 7.0. Additionally, we will have three additionalsessions that talk about our brand-new Hybrid Cloud solution, our data backup portfolio, and howour brand new Synology Photos can help organize your huge media library.Be sure to check those out. Let’s dive into it then. DSM 7.0 is finally here. At a high-level, we focused on four fundamental pillar being easier to use, most reliable, higher carry-on, and being more scalable. Starting with the basics, we know that settingup a networked storage arrangement, with this countless features and alternatives, can be a daunting taskfor newcomers. Even for more seasoned IT pros, there aremany proprietary boasts that you might not be familiar with. Regarding this matter, we focused on two main aspects. Maintaining a consistent customer event andproviding clear instructions and information along the way. Starting from the out of the box experience. In 7.0, we rebuilt the entire setup flowing tobe more ability, but simpler at the same time. We used to guide you through the basics, likesetting up storage and things like remote connectivity. For the rest of the system, you will noticethe same design principles. Clearer information, and more firmnes. In Storage Manager, relationships betweenStorage Pools and Volumes, as well as their accompany SSD caches, are now clearly displayed.Enabling a much clearer chicks look belief ofyour current setup. We likewise included a graphical scheme for eachdevice that drawn attention to where each drive, or bay is at, reducing the potential for confusionwhen it comes to replacing or ameliorating. Usability doesn’t stop with brand-new visuals, butalso with new means to access your maneuver and its services. Let’s firstly take a look at what we currentlyuse to authenticate. Passwords. The thing is, we tend to reuse passwords, especially as the requirements for them grow more complex, compelling badges, more attributes, and the need to avoid common words.There are only so many combinings that someonemight be able to memorize, off the top of their psyches. 51% of parties surveyed reuse passwords acrossdifferent network service and concoctions. Now for security rights intentional, you’ll knowthat there is two-step authentication. And you’ll be correct, DSM has already supportedtwo-step authentication, but it isn’t something that is widely favourite. To help increase the security on our productline, Well be going out brand-new authenticationmethods that oblige strong MFA simple to use. With DSM 7.0, we’ll first be introducing ourSecure SignIn app, a more handy lane to certify. Approve log in aims on your telephone, withoutever needing to memorize or kind in passwords and codes.Lets see it in action. When you are logging in, as usual, character inyour username. On your mobile device through the Secure SignInapp, youll get a prompt to approve the sign in request. Accept it, and you’ll be good to go. Completely password-free. Secure SignIn necessitates internet connectivityto send those requests to your portable maneuver. The Secure SignIn app can be backed up toyour Synology Account, symbolizing you don’t need to worry if you oust or lose your phone. For completely offline installings, we’realso introducing FIDO2 substantiate so that you can instead use equipment protection keys, andeven Windows Hello and macOS Touch ID. With DSM 7.0, you’ll do more options to definehow authentication works.For simple, password-free access, you canchoose to only use our Secure Sign-in app or one of the FIDO2 techniques. Or, implement two-factor with a password plusSignIn approval, FIDO2, or with the existing one-time-password method. DSM 7 is more secure thanks to our new authenticationmethods, but we also made performing upkeep on our maneuvers so much easier. Going back to our most fundamental feature, the storage subsystem, we set out to make sure that our structure heads can easilyupgrade, supersede, and deal with drive failings. Much like any other piece of apparatu orIT gear, a large part in keeping organisations moving smoothly and reliably, is in maintenance. Traditionally, supplanting a drive in a StoragePool was fairly straightforward. Pull out a drive, which degrades the RAID, slot in a brand-new drive, and reparation the display. For drive flops, this constitute sense. But if you are upgrading storage capacityin-place, or revolving out aged drives, this entail slowly ousting one-by-one, placingconsiderable wear and tear on the rest of the drives as you rebuild the Storage Poolagain and again. In DSM 7.0, we’re introducing Drive Replacement. If you have an extra bay accessible, DriveReplacement first clones the specific objectives drive, then seamlessly changes the old-time one.All of this can be done without degradingthe display or compelling the whole Storage Pool to need to be rebuilt. Additionally, we also made Hot Spares havethe same capability, which is called Auto Replacement. When a drive in a Storage Pool with a hotspare becomes degraded, Auto Replacement will kick in and begin attempting the replicationprocess, reducing the possibility that the entire consortium becomes degraded, ultimately maximizingoverall structure reliability. Another thing we’re adding is the abilityto enable Auto Repair for each Storage Pool. In the past, replacing drives would requireyou to attain the swap, and then access DSM to initiate the reparation process. Now, you can choose which funds to enableAuto Repair, which enormously simplifies off-site or the times where the person building repairsisn’t authorized to log in to DSM. And for the mend process itself, DSM 7 willintroduce a new proficiency that enables a significant speed up for kitties that haven’t been populatedas much. For lesson, if you replenished simply 50% of thepool, then the rebuild process will now go roughly half the time needed.Considering that drives are continually increasingin size, and rehabilitate goes are consequently increasing, we are minimizing the time yourdata stays in a potentially dangerous state. This also reduces the amount of wear and tearthat your drives will be subjected to, as there should be less write business donein most cases. As “ve said”, a large part of keeping thesystem up-and-running well comes down to proper maintenance. With DSM 7, we are spawning sure our systemadmins are getting the title features and implements to keep their structures in an optimaland healthy state. Which returns us to service availability enhancements. For mission-critical designs, Synology’s solutionsare designed to be joined together into a Synology High Availability, or SHA, gather. This puts the machines into an active-passivepair that affords minute-level failover should anything happen to the active server. In 7.0, we’ve form vast paces in minimizingservice disturbances even more. SHA now play-act failovers in 30% less timethan before, enabling you much faster retrievals that are nearly transparent.Additionally, DSM improves are now less disruptive, by reducing service downtime experienced. This is done by improving the way the clusterbehaves when an updated report is acted. First, the number two server, which was thepassive cell, will be updated. Once that is done, data synchronization anda switchover will occur. The 1st part will now undergo updating. This results in switching the active/ passiveserver pair around, but is much faster, asking merely the time necessary to do a switchover. When combined with the faster failover/ switchovertimes, DSM updates will now take up to 85% less hour than before.SHA in DSM 7.0 is much faster, and gives youa simple and cost-effective option to maximize availability to all of the services runningon your Synology solution. And, for our dual-controller lineup, we’reintroducing promoted data reliability with BTRFS memory cache protection. When you write data to a storage device, thereare multiple stages that it tours through before it is actually committed to the storagemedium, whether it is a hard drive, or SSD.This is of course due to caching, and thathappens everywhere. Through your networking paraphernalium, the system’smemory, and even cache located on storage drives. When power loss or plan editions follow, datathat is stored in caches are more often than not, lost for good. With DSM 7.0, we’re shall further seek to ensure that cached datain system memory, is also repeated between the controllers. This helps ensure data integrity, even fordata that hasn’t been fully committed yet. As a recap, let’s take a quick look at thesolutions available to maximize service availability. The majority of our existing storage solutionssupport SHA by adding in another identical group. The SA3200D is a special dual-controller modelwith shared storage structure. Both of these backing high accessibility inan active-passive configuration for all datum services, and most DSM assistances. SHA has minute-level failover, and we madethat 30% faster in DSM 7.0. For iSCSI-only deployments, our dual-activeUC3 200 features absolutely non-disruptive failover. This is a more purpose-built model, designedto maximize service availability.With DSM 7, we focused on modernise multiplesubsystems. We obliged the user interface framework muchfaster and more accept, we lessened the time needed for failovers, and we also madesure to optimize how we handle storage arrays. Performance is up 80% for RAID6, a stunningimprovement based on optimizations to our underlying subsystem. Additionally, conduct is also improvedwhen the storage fund is cheapened, curing increase assistance disruptions.And in addition to RAID optimizations, wealso focused a great deal on stimulating SSD caching more reliable and more effective at improvingperformance. First off, SSD caching can now be enabledor incapacitated without influence method assistances. This greatly facilitates system administrators inmany roads. One, be enabled firstly start from precisely ahard drive-based regalium, and then adding in additional performance when requirements ripen. And two, when SSD cache drives need to bereplaced. These can all be done without affecting servicesprovided. DSM 7 establishes metadata pinning, which drasticallyboosts the performance of the entire system when doing certain workloads, such as whenolder snapshots get replaced by newer ones. And too when backups are revolved out in ActiveBackup, arising in a massive improvement to the time needed to complete the tasks. Metadata pinning builds SSD caching beneficialto more each type of workloads, but we didn’t stop at exactly that.We too rearchitected the write-back subsystemsthat come provoked automatically when a read-write SSD cache is removed, or becomes cheapened. The write-back ensures that data goes synchronizedwith the basi publication. Now, we meet a nearly 3X speed up comparedto before. Fast flush for SSD caching obligates sure thatsynchronization is faster, and that the storage arrangement invests less time in a degraded stateif an SSD miscarries, or is approaching its rated lifespan. These are just some of the larger changeswe’ve done to the storage subsystem.Put together, we’re making DSM and our devicesone of the most easily serviceable and practicable. As part of that goal, we’re likewise expandingwhat types of usage scenarios that our mixtures can service. Fibre Channel support will be introduced withDSM 7, enabling our customers to deploy in high-performance, and low-latency networkingenvironments. Fibre Channel will be one of the most efficientprotocols on our mixtures, having much less overhead than iSCSI. Setup for block storage will be consolidatedin SAN Manager, which contains the original functionality from iSCSI Manager.SAN Manager will enable simplified managementof LUN assents, by allowing you to assign an Alias for a WWPN or IQN. This fixes it much clearer and easy to understand, especially for servers with various initiators. And we’re also introducing a new aspect thattackles an increasingly common problem. Archival storage. Today’s data projects are coming larger andlarger, and often goes, there are requirements for large and cost-effective hot storage. DSM7 inserts Peta Volumes, where we re-engineeredfile-system associated constituents to support volumes up to 1 Petabyte.This is great for bulk storage and consolidatedbackup storage Peta Volume opens up many potentials where ability concerns. Much work in creating DSM 7 went to makingsure that we renovated the operating system, enabling us to be able to better maintain, and make even bigger improvements in the future. One particular area we have been focusingon is storage economy. Data deduplication. On Synology solutions, we already have deduplication, just at the application position. Hyper Backup already plays deduplicationon your backups, whether they are neighbourhood or to a remote destination. Active Backup for Business accomplishes deduplicationon your PCs, servers, and VM backups, and we’ve already seen it act wonderfullyon real-world datasets from our customers.Combining the experience we’ve gained fromcreating these two answers, we’ll now be generating this technology into the core ofDSM, enabling deduplication for the entire NAS. This will arrive in 2021 as a feature updateto DSM 7, and will conjure the bar again on what our solutions bring to the table. What we went over today has only been a portionof what is coming. DSM 7.0 is a huge step forward for the pulpit, and because of that, we’re taking steps to make sure that it comes out as excellent aspossible. A large inform like this requires thoroughtesting and validation, and we’re aiming to do simply that. In September, over 6,000 players havestarted testing DSM 7 through our Preview Program. And since then, weve prepared over 6,800 bugfixes and improvements, many thanks to our testers. The next step forward, DSM 7.0 Beta, willbe available shortly. It is truly energizing, and we cant waitto get feedback on it. Finishing today’s session, let’s take a quicklook at what we went over today.For DSM 7.0, we focused on Usability, Reliability, Performance, and Scalability. Were wholly redefining what a smartdata management organisation should be. Simple to use, easy to maintain, but feature-packed. We certainly look forward to empowering bothexisting and new structure executives with this update. And that’s a cover for this session. Now, we have three more topics that you shoulddefinitely check out. Brad is introducing our new take on what ahybrid gloomed infrastructure looks like, boasting new desegregations with our Synology C2 cloudservice. Jeremie will talk about our data backup answers, including how we’re plug the border there. Eventually, Simon will go you through our redesignedphoto management solution, Photos. Thank you for watching, and we hope that youstay safe. See you next time !.
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